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José Miguel Mendes Freitas Silva (Lisboa, 1977), graduated in 2004 in Architecture at the Lusíada University of Lisbon and concluded in 2010 the Master in Rehabilitation of Architecture and Urban Centres at the University of Lisbon, Lisbon School of Architecture (FAUL). In 2017 he has obtained the PhD in Urbanism at FAUL, developing the theme “The Invention of the Urban Heritage. The production processes of the urban heritage in Portugal”. Currently, he is a Guest Assistant Professor at FAUL, where he teaches in the curricular units of Urbanism and Spatial Planning, Project Laboratory and Urban Forms and Spatial Organization.

Since 2010, he integrates the research group formaurbis LAB at FAUL, acquiring several research grants financed by the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (FCT) and the Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD), in the development of the research projects “The Built Fabric in Portuguese city - Morphological Inventory” and the “Building Typology. Morphological Inventory of Portuguese City”. From 2013 to 2015 he was granted with a AUSMIP Plus scholarship at the University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture.

His research is dedicated to the study of the morphological evolution of the urban heritage, focusing today in the reuse of obsolete and expectant urban fabric into programmes other than its original function. Between 2021 and 2023 he was the lead researcher in the embryo-project "Rehabit Convents in Lisbon. Built heritage, adaptive reuse and urban form transformation"; and, since 2023, it has been developing a study with the theme “Atlas of Reuse. An operative chart to support the strategic transformation and integration of the obsolescent buildings” within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area scale.

He has developed his professional activity as an architect, integrating multidisciplinary teams in several architectural projects, rehabilitation and development plans, as collaborater at the Risco S.A., Conceito Arquitectos and Oficina Ideias em Linha in partnership with the GB Arquitectos.

SILVA, José Miguel – “The (re)creation and monumentalization of the Portuguese urban heritage”. in HERITAGE 2018: 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Volume I. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2018. pp.951-960. ISBN: 978-884-338-6265-5: e-ISBN: 978-884-338-6265-5. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A built memory copied and replicated. Reproduction processes of the urban heritage: transcription, restitution and displacement”. in Architecture Heritage and Design. The XVI International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” on World Heritage and Knowledge: representation, restoration, redesign and resilience. Proceedings. Naples: [s.i], 2018. pp.417-426. ISBN: 978-88-492-3633-0. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel - "A Invenção do Património Urbano : Processos de produção dos lugares patrimoniais em Porugal". Doutoramento em Urbanismo. Lisboa: Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa, 2017. (documento policopiado)
[ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “The ruin and the creative scenography of urban heritage”. in REHAB 2017: 3th International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Proceedings. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2017. pp.955-964. ISBN: 978-989-8734-25-9, e-ISBN: 978-989-8734-23-5. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “Classification of the processes of production and transformation of urban heritage”. in IMATTE 2017: Intangibility Matters, the IPERION CH International Conference on the values of tangible heritage. Proceedings. Lisbon: LNEC, 2017. pp.289-298. ISBN: 978-972-49-2295-9.

SILVA, José Miguel – “The eternal and the metamorphosis. Processes of urban heritage production”. in Sharing Cultures 2017: 5th International Conference on Intangible Heritage. Proceedings. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2017. pp.421-432. ISBN: 978-989-8734-24-2, e-ISBN: 978-989-8734-23-5. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “(Re)building the past in the present. The recreation of the Japanese urban heritage”. in HERITAGE 2016: 5th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Proceedings. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, Volume II, 2016. pp.1853-1865. ISBN: 978-989-87-13-6. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “The urban persistence’s and social traditions in the (re)creation of the Japanese urban modernity”. in EAAE/ARCC 10th International Conference 2016, Voume II. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, 2016. pp.841-848. ISBN: 978-11380-29-66-8. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “The reuse of the built heritage in Portugal (1940-2014) ”. in Architecture in Time Conference. Preceedings. Tokyo: Tokyo University, 2014. pp.89-108. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A praça. A produção das praças históricas no século XX”. in Os Elementos Urbanos. Cadernos de Morfologia Urbana, estudos da cidade portuguesa, Vol. I. Lisboa: Argumentum, 2013. pp.82-99. ISBN: 978-972-8479-78-7. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “Reintegração do monumento como marco dominante no espaço e na paisagem: Os casos da Cava Viriato e do Promontório de Sagres”. in Espaços culturais e turísticos em países lusófonos/arquitectura, património e turismo. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ / FAU, Colecção PROARQ, 2012. pp.68-83. ISBN: 978-85-88341-51-7. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A transformação e consolidação da praça tradicional no séc. XX em Portugal”. in Urbanismo de Origem Portuguesa. As praças nas cidades de origem portuguesa. Revista digital nº 13. Lisboa: Arquivo Digital de Cartografia Urbana, 2011. ISSN: 2182-3103. [ + ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A evolução do tecido urbano na relação com o monument”. in IV Seminario de Investigación em Urbanismo. Proceedings. Barcelona: ed. DUOT/UPC, 2011, Volume 2. pp.273-282. ISBN: 978-84-615-1968-2.

SILVA, José Miguel – “Património, identidade e representação: A transformação do tecido monumental em Portugal no século XX. Os casos e Guimarães e Idanha-a-Velha”. in Espaços culturais e turísticos em países lusófonos/arquitectura, patrimônio e turismo. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ / FAU, Colecção PROARQ, 2011. pp.29-49. ISBN: 978-85-88341-39-5.

SILVA, José Miguel – “Relação entre o monumento e o espaço público. O arquitecto e a intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. in Jornal Planeamento e Cidades, número 24. Porto: Instituto de Cidades e Vilas com Mobilidade, April/May edition, 2011. pp. 32-34. ISSN: 1646-8341.

SILVA, José Miguel – “O arquitecto e o projecto contemporâneo na transformação dos lugares patrimoniais”. in Simpósio Património em Construção. Contextos para a sua preservação. Preceedings. Lisbon: LNEC, 2011. pp.215-222. ISBN: 978-972-49-2231-7.

SILVA, José Miguel - “O Monumento e o Lugar. Relação entre o espaço público e o monumento na intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. Mestrado em Reabilitação da Arquitectura e Núcleos Urbanos. Lisboa: Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2010. (documento policopiado) [ + ]


SILVA, José Miguel; DIAS COELHO, Carlos; JUSTO, Rui - “Reinventar a Ajuda. Propostas para a redefinição do papel de um bairro no contexto da área monumental de Lisboa”. 1st Seminar “Ajuda: Space, Time and Society”. Lisbon, Portugal, 2018. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “A built memory copied and replicated. Reproduction processes of the urban heritage: transcription, restitution and displacement”. XVI Internacional Forum “Le Vie dei Marcanti” on World Heritage and Knowledge. Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resilience. Capri, Italy, 2018.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Morphological Atlas of the Portuguese City and The production processes of the urban heritage in Portugal”. 1st Workshop - The City form and the Identity of Portimão. Portimão, Portugal, 2018. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “The eternal and the metamorphosis. Processes of urban heritage production”. Sharing Cultures 2017: 5th International Conference on Intangible Heritage. Barcelos, Portugal, 2017.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The ruin and the creative scenography of urban heritage”. 3th International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Braga, Portugal, 2017.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Classification of the processes of production and transformation of urban heritage”. Intangibility Matters, the IPERION CH International Conference on the values of tangible heritage – IMaTTe 2017. Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.

SILVA, José Miguel - “(Re)construction and perpetuation of Japanese urban heritage”. 6th Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology Conference (PNUM), The Spaces of Urban Morphology. Guimarães, Portugal, 2016.

SILVA, José Miguel - “(Re)building the past in the present. The recreation of the japanese urban heritage”. HERITAGE 2016: 5th Internacional Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The urban persistences ant the social traditions in the creation of the japanese modern city”. 10th EAAE/ARCC Internacional Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The Invention of Urban Heritage”. 3th Research Seminar of the Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design. Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The creative process of renovation of the Portuguese urban heritage. An idea of a timeless intervention”. 1st Seminar of Western Medieval Architecture. Tokyo, Japan, 2014. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “Built Heritage, Memory and Cultural Identity. The transformation of the Portuguese monumental built fabric in the XXth century”. 9th Congress Virtual City and Territory on City, Memory and People. Roma, Italy, 2013.

SILVA, José Miguel - “A transformação dos tecidos urbanos antigos em Portugal. Evolução vs Conservação”. 3th Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology Conference (PNUM) on Urban Form in the Territories of Portuguese Influence Analysis, Design, Quantification. Coimbra, Portugal, 2013.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Reintegration of the monument as a dominant landmark in space and landscape: The cases of Cava Viriato and Sagres Promontory”. International Seminar on Heritage and Landscape in Lusophone and Hispanic Spaces. Madrid, Spain, 2012.

SILVA, José Miguel - “O património construído: evolução vs conservação”. Urban Management Society of Santarém Conference. The requalification of Historic Centers in a future perspective: The Historic Center of Santarém. Santarém, Portugal, 2012. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “The architect and the contemporary design in the transformation of heritage sites”. Heritage in Construction Symposium. Lisboa, Portugal, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Heritage, identity and representation: The transformation of the monumental fabric in Portugal in the twentieth century. The cases of Guimarães and Idanha-a-Velha”. International Seminar on cultural and touristic spaces in Portuguese speaking countries. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “A transformação e consolidação da praça tradicional no século XX em Portugal”. Colloquium The squares in the cities of Portuguese origin. Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The evolution of the urban fabric in relation with built monuments”. IV Seminar on Research in Urban Planning, Barcelona, Spain 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Demolição, construção e consolidação do espaço público na intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. 1st Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology Conference (PNUM) on Urban Morphology in Portugal: Approaches and Perspectives, Porto, Portugal, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “O Monumento e o Lugar. Relação entre o espaço público e o monumento na intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. Cycle of Lectures SIPA - Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Sacavém, Portugal, 2010. (by invitation)


José Miguel Mendes Freitas Silva (Lisboa, 1977), graduated in 2004 in Architecture at the Lusíada University of Lisbon and concluded in 2010 the Master in Rehabilitation of Architecture and Urban Centres at the University of Lisbon, Lisbon School of Architecture (FAUL). In 2017 he has obtained the PhD in Urbanism at FAUL, developing the theme “The Invention of the Urban Heritage. The production processes of the urban heritage in Portugal”. Currently, he is a Guest Assistant Professor at FAUL, where he teaches in the curricular units of Urbanism and Spatial Planning, Project Laboratory and Urban Forms and Spatial Organization.

Since 2010, he integrates the research group formaurbis LAB at FAUL, acquiring several research grants financed by the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology (FCT) and the Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD), in the development of the research projects “The Built Fabric in Portuguese city - Morphological Inventory” and the “Building Typology. Morphological Inventory of Portuguese City”. From 2013 to 2015 he was granted with a AUSMIP Plus scholarship at the University of Tokyo, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture.

His research is dedicated to the study of the morphological evolution of the urban heritage, focusing today in the reuse of obsolete and expectant urban fabric into programmes other than its original function. Between 2021 and 2023 he was the lead researcher in the embryo-project "Rehabit Convents in Lisbon. Built heritage, adaptive reuse and urban form transformation"; and, since 2023, it has been developing a study with the theme “Atlas of Reuse. An operative chart to support the strategic transformation and integration of the obsolescent buildings” within the Lisbon Metropolitan Area scale.

He has developed his professional activity as an architect, integrating multidisciplinary teams in several architectural projects, rehabilitation and development plans, as collaborater at the Risco S.A., Conceito Arquitectos and Oficina Ideias em Linha in partnership with the GB Arquitectos.


SILVA, José Miguel – “The (re)creation and monumentalization of the Portuguese urban heritage”. in HERITAGE 2018: 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Volume I. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2018. pp.951-960. ISBN: 978-884-338-6265-5: e-ISBN: 978-884-338-6265-5. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A built memory copied and replicated. Reproduction processes of the urban heritage: transcription, restitution and displacement”. in Architecture Heritage and Design. The XVI International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” on World Heritage and Knowledge: representation, restoration, redesign and resilience. Proceedings. Naples: [s.i], 2018. pp.417-426. ISBN: 978-88-492-3633-0. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel - "A Invenção do Património Urbano : Processos de produção dos lugares patrimoniais em Porugal". Doutoramento em Urbanismo. Lisboa: Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa, 2017. (documento policopiado)
[ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “The ruin and the creative scenography of urban heritage”. in REHAB 2017: 3th International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Proceedings. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2017. pp.955-964. ISBN: 978-989-8734-25-9, e-ISBN: 978-989-8734-23-5. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “Classification of the processes of production and transformation of urban heritage”. in IMATTE 2017: Intangibility Matters, the IPERION CH International Conference on the values of tangible heritage. Proceedings. Lisbon: LNEC, 2017. pp.289-298. ISBN: 978-972-49-2295-9.

SILVA, José Miguel – “The eternal and the metamorphosis. Processes of urban heritage production”. in Sharing Cultures 2017: 5th International Conference on Intangible Heritage. Proceedings. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2017. pp.421-432. ISBN: 978-989-8734-24-2, e-ISBN: 978-989-8734-23-5. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “(Re)building the past in the present. The recreation of the Japanese urban heritage”. in HERITAGE 2016: 5th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Proceedings. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, Volume II, 2016. pp.1853-1865. ISBN: 978-989-87-13-6. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “The urban persistence’s and social traditions in the (re)creation of the Japanese urban modernity”. in EAAE/ARCC 10th International Conference 2016, Voume II. Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, 2016. pp.841-848. ISBN: 978-11380-29-66-8. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “The reuse of the built heritage in Portugal (1940-2014) ”. in Architecture in Time Conference. Preceedings. Tokyo: Tokyo University, 2014. pp.89-108. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A praça. A produção das praças históricas no século XX”. in Os Elementos Urbanos. Cadernos de Morfologia Urbana, estudos da cidade portuguesa, Vol. I. Lisboa: Argumentum, 2013. pp.82-99. ISBN: 978-972-8479-78-7. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “Reintegração do monumento como marco dominante no espaço e na paisagem: Os casos da Cava Viriato e do Promontório de Sagres”. in Espaços culturais e turísticos em países lusófonos/arquitectura, património e turismo. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ / FAU, Colecção PROARQ, 2012. pp.68-83. ISBN: 978-85-88341-51-7. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A transformação e consolidação da praça tradicional no séc. XX em Portugal”. in Urbanismo de Origem Portuguesa. As praças nas cidades de origem portuguesa. Revista digital nº 13. Lisboa: Arquivo Digital de Cartografia Urbana, 2011. ISSN: 2182-3103. [ See more ]

SILVA, José Miguel – “A evolução do tecido urbano na relação com o monument”. in IV Seminario de Investigación em Urbanismo. Proceedings. Barcelona: ed. DUOT/UPC, 2011, Volume 2. pp.273-282. ISBN: 978-84-615-1968-2.

SILVA, José Miguel – “Património, identidade e representação: A transformação do tecido monumental em Portugal no século XX. Os casos e Guimarães e Idanha-a-Velha”. in Espaços culturais e turísticos em países lusófonos/arquitectura, patrimônio e turismo. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ / FAU, Colecção PROARQ, 2011. pp.29-49. ISBN: 978-85-88341-39-5.

SILVA, José Miguel – “Relação entre o monumento e o espaço público. O arquitecto e a intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. in Jornal Planeamento e Cidades, número 24. Porto: Instituto de Cidades e Vilas com Mobilidade, April/May edition, 2011. pp. 32-34. ISSN: 1646-8341.

SILVA, José Miguel – “O arquitecto e o projecto contemporâneo na transformação dos lugares patrimoniais”. in Simpósio Património em Construção. Contextos para a sua preservação. Preceedings. Lisbon: LNEC, 2011. pp.215-222. ISBN: 978-972-49-2231-7.

SILVA, José Miguel - “O Monumento e o Lugar. Relação entre o espaço público e o monumento na intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. Mestrado em Reabilitação da Arquitectura e Núcleos Urbanos. Lisboa: Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2010. (documento policopiado) [ See more ]


SILVA, José Miguel; DIAS COELHO, Carlos; JUSTO, Rui - “Reinventar a Ajuda. Propostas para a redefinição do papel de um bairro no contexto da área monumental de Lisboa”. 1st Seminar “Ajuda: Space, Time and Society”. Lisbon, Portugal, 2018. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “A built memory copied and replicated. Reproduction processes of the urban heritage: transcription, restitution and displacement”. XVI Internacional Forum “Le Vie dei Marcanti” on World Heritage and Knowledge. Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resilience. Capri, Italy, 2018.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Morphological Atlas of the Portuguese City and The production processes of the urban heritage in Portugal”. 1st Workshop - The City form and the Identity of Portimão. Portimão, Portugal, 2018. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “The eternal and the metamorphosis. Processes of urban heritage production”. Sharing Cultures 2017: 5th International Conference on Intangible Heritage. Barcelos, Portugal, 2017.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The ruin and the creative scenography of urban heritage”. 3th International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Braga, Portugal, 2017.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Classification of the processes of production and transformation of urban heritage”. Intangibility Matters, the IPERION CH International Conference on the values of tangible heritage – IMaTTe 2017. Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.

SILVA, José Miguel - “(Re)construction and perpetuation of Japanese urban heritage”. 6th Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology Conference (PNUM), The Spaces of Urban Morphology. Guimarães, Portugal, 2016.

SILVA, José Miguel - “(Re)building the past in the present. The recreation of the japanese urban heritage”. HERITAGE 2016: 5th Internacional Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The urban persistences ant the social traditions in the creation of the japanese modern city”. 10th EAAE/ARCC Internacional Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The Invention of Urban Heritage”. 3th Research Seminar of the Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design. Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The creative process of renovation of the Portuguese urban heritage. An idea of a timeless intervention”. 1st Seminar of Western Medieval Architecture. Tokyo, Japan, 2014. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “Built Heritage, Memory and Cultural Identity. The transformation of the Portuguese monumental built fabric in the XXth century”. 9th Congress Virtual City and Territory on City, Memory and People. Roma, Italy, 2013.

SILVA, José Miguel - “A transformação dos tecidos urbanos antigos em Portugal. Evolução vs Conservação”. 3th Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology Conference (PNUM) on Urban Form in the Territories of Portuguese Influence Analysis, Design, Quantification. Coimbra, Portugal, 2013.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Reintegration of the monument as a dominant landmark in space and landscape: The cases of Cava Viriato and Sagres Promontory”. International Seminar on Heritage and Landscape in Lusophone and Hispanic Spaces. Madrid, Spain, 2012.

SILVA, José Miguel - “O património construído: evolução vs conservação”. Urban Management Society of Santarém Conference. The requalification of Historic Centers in a future perspective: The Historic Center of Santarém. Santarém, Portugal, 2012. (by invitation)

SILVA, José Miguel - “The architect and the contemporary design in the transformation of heritage sites”. Heritage in Construction Symposium. Lisboa, Portugal, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Heritage, identity and representation: The transformation of the monumental fabric in Portugal in the twentieth century. The cases of Guimarães and Idanha-a-Velha”. International Seminar on cultural and touristic spaces in Portuguese speaking countries. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “A transformação e consolidação da praça tradicional no século XX em Portugal”. Colloquium The squares in the cities of Portuguese origin. Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “The evolution of the urban fabric in relation with built monuments”. IV Seminar on Research in Urban Planning, Barcelona, Spain 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “Demolição, construção e consolidação do espaço público na intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. 1st Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology Conference (PNUM) on Urban Morphology in Portugal: Approaches and Perspectives, Porto, Portugal, 2011.

SILVA, José Miguel - “O Monumento e o Lugar. Relação entre o espaço público e o monumento na intervenção patrimonial contemporânea”. Cycle of Lectures SIPA - Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, Sacavém, Portugal, 2010. (by invitation)