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Project identification: The Street in Portugal. Morphological inventory.
Project reference: PTDC/AUR/65532/2006
Team: Carlos Dias Coelho; João Pedro Costa; Maria Calado; Sérgio Proença; Sérgio Fernandes; Gabriela Carvalho; Ana Amado; Heraldo Borges; João Leite; José Manuel Fernandes; Walter Rossa; Silvia Rala; Nuno Soares.
Funding: FCT - Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology
Start date: 12-2007 End date: 03-2011

Resume: The project aimed to provide a graphic and descriptive inventory of the urban element "Street" in the Portuguese context.

Through the recollection work, graphic reconstitution and illustration of the main examples of streets in Portugal, it was intended that the material obtained could come to constitute a representative sample of its typological diversity, development status, size and use of this so particular category of public space.

The study intended to provide a tool for the practice of urban planning, as well for its teaching in that the selected spaces are treated in a methodological and comparable way as examples and whose operationality is based on the ability to constitute a reference for the development of contemporary urban creations.

So in methodological terms the work proceeded to a first selection, considering criteria of subject quality, typological representativeness and territorial coverage, consisting the subsequent stage in the element survey for the graphic restitution and the bibliographical collection for the 130 streets considered as a case studies.

Sample: From the universe of represented cases three streets were selected as an example in three cities: Ponta Delgada, Coimbra and Viseu.

Cases study universe: 130 streets [ + ]

Comparative table: The Street partition [ + ]