Resume: This project was designed to perform a morphological inventory the Portuguese city built fabric.
The approach focused objectively on the minimum unit of the urban private space that, in a general way, is classified as a block. This concept considers very different situations, when applied to the consolidated and sedimentated city, the operations resulting from concepts linked to the Modern Movement or many other contemporary situations to which the block terminology cannot be used unless as a concept extension.
The inventory, which materialized in the collection, graphic restitution and illustration of the Portuguese city built fabric, sought to translate the diversity and richness of present situations in the study universe, from where were selected about 80 representative examples.
In terms of methodology, we sought to characterize each block in an identical and comparable basis, ie graphically with the same representation codes and the scale, from a set of drawn type pieces, interpretative diagrams, photographs and explanatory texts.
Sample: From the universe of represented cases we selected as an example the blocks three cities: Évora, Lisbon and Porto.
Cases study universe: 80 blocks [ + ]
Comparative table: The urban block diversity [ + ]